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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Human Anatomy Cmap, Body Systems include Musculoskeletal, Physically altered by Exercise, dynamic views through fluoroscophy, x-rays produce manifest images, Radiographic imaging such as MRIs, Body Systems include Respiratory, studied from the view of External, Body Systems include Circulatory, figure drawing for example medical illustrations, Body Systems include Reproductive, Human anatomy can be Physically altered, Physically altered by removal of organs, manifest images visualized using Computerized radiography, Human anatomy consists of Body Systems, internal through the use of Radiographic imaging, Radiographic imaging such as x-rays, Radiographic imaging such as computed tomography, lab work in performing autopsy, Physically altered by Cosmetic Surgery, studied from the view of internal
CT Scan
Cosmetic surgery link
Body Systems
Flim Screen Cassette
CR cassette
Nervous System Picture
respiratory system pic
chest xray pic
Circulatory pic
integumentary system pic
MRI Scan
exercise link
Surgery Channel
Labwork Link
Leo da Vinci link
musculoskeletal system pic