Hi Everyone, To debate the negative side or against implementation of Nurse Practitioners (NP) in Canada initially presented me with a real challenge. I think it would have been different had I not been a practising NP and came to the debate without any prior experience or bias. Initially, I thought the pro side of the debate was far more straightforward and my opponent had the advantage because there is so much information to support integration of the role. I decided to contact my worthy opponent Lisa, prior to the development of my argument and we were able to discuss debate positions and share resources. It was a great opportunity to work with another student outside of the virtual classroom. I realized our thinking about this topic was similar even though we were on opposing sides. We engaged in dialogue that eventually formed our arguments, and I believe this process made the debate much more informative and relevant to the audience. I found debating the con side often meant presenting negative facts against the integration of NP’s within the Canadian healthcare system. I was in fact discounting my own role as an NP, and this seemed awkward at times.  Sometimes, I just wanted to jump in and provide my own account of what really happens behind the scenes; but the debate process taught me remaining objective is the only way to truly appreciate another person's ideas. This process was a learning experience for me and a very positive one personally and professionally. I am far more cognisant of the importance of listening to others opinions to expand on my own understanding of an issue. I would like to thank Kim and the group for this learning experience; and special thanks to Lisa for her truly collaborative spirit.   PS: Congratulations on a fabulous achievement!