In this brief paper I will critique my presentation of the issue of nursing specialty certification, in the forum of a structured on-line debate. My assigned stance in this exercise was to represent the pro side of this debate. I plan to evaluate my work in understanding and analyzing the issue, my approach to critiquing my own presentation as well as that of my opponent, the rebuttal format I chose, and my struggle with remaining committed to the stance I was assigned. Finally I outline goals for improving my debating skills. UNDERSTANDING In familiarizing myself with the issue I was assigned to present I sought out articles describing the pros and cons of certification. As expected, I found ample literature from the certification organizations, including nursing licensing organization in Canada and the US, promoting certification in peer-reviewed nursing journals. These publications were designed as advertisements rather than presentations of objective data from well-designed studies. When looking for objective data, I found only studies questioning the real value of certification. ANALYSIS In analyzing the data, I felt I was fortunate in that my own personal views did not align with the position I was assigned to take, so I was more confident that I would be aware of the arguments against certification that might be brought forth by my opponent. In my opening presentation, my intent was to present a very positive view of certification, list all the possible benefits, but I chose to introduce the idea that other factors besides certification are also important. Then, to emphasize my point, I went one step further than my assigned position, by suggesting that certification should be mandatory for specialty nursing areas. This, in retrospect, was to allow myself some room to negotiate in the subsequent exchanges. CRITQUE In the rebuttal, I was somewhat surprised that my opponent chose to emphasize the “art” of nursing as her main selling point. I was quite comfortable rebutting the idea that communication skills and other factors contribute to quality nursing, particularly as perceived by the patient and family. In fact, this aligned very much with my own prior views, so my planned approach was to concede on that point. Rebutting the “art of nursing” argument was more difficult, and I rather avoided this altogether. I also found that my extension of the stance pro certification to suggest it should be mandatory, drew at least one critical comment from a class peer. Had I been very committed to holding fast on my original point, this approach of “upping the ante” on my argument would have likely backfired, as drawing this criticism weakened my position in the eyes of the audience. COMMITMENT I found it difficult initially to stick to my assigned position, since my personal views did not support the position wholeheartedly. It was helpful to be able to collaborate with my opponent, in searching for evidence both for and against our respective positions, and in planning in advance to come to a mutually acceptable compromise stance, that: “Certification is important, but it is only one aspect of developing quality nursing practice”. I think with that in mind, we were both more at ease supporting our positions in the final summary, knowing that we both agreed on some common ground. I strongly feel that reaching some common ground with one’s opponent in debates, and in daily disagreements, is an essential part of resolving issues, and this exercise confirmed my perspective. SKILL GOALS My experience with this exercise has been positive. I appreciate the opportunity I had to practice my debating skills and I recognize that this exercise has solidified and enhanced my critical thinking skills. Debating as a form of instruction aimed at enhancing critical thinking has been demonstrated as successful in the literature (Shu Ching & Tung-Yu, 2009). Formal debating formats were new to me prior to this exercise. Given the opportunity, I plan to enhance my formal debating skills by building upon what I have learned in this forum. Specifically I feel that my ability to organize arguments in a logical and compelling way can be enhanced with practice. In addition, I think I could have presented a more comprehensive argument had I broadened my approach to include certification other than current CNA certification in Canada. I also think that including a piece on advanced nursing education and its benefits to patient might have strengthened my argument. I might have included this had I been more skillful in maximizing the content of my presentation by being more concise. On the other hand, I wanted to make an effort to maintain a fairly narrow focus so as not to lose the main point of my argument. CONCLUSION This exercise has been most helpful in clarifying some of my views. It has allowed me to practice some new skills and approaches and also to recognize some tactics others may use in debates, enhancing my ability to critically analyze debate content. The opportunity to engage in structured debate with a peer in a supportive instructional setting and the privilege of responding to, and evaluating the debate presentations of my peers has been a most valuable learning experience, allowing me to glean use of new techniques and approaches that will undoubtedly add to my repertoire of debating strategies and critical analysis of debates in the future.