1. Contrary to my classmates, I was actually looking forward to this assignment because saw it as something other than a 15 page essay. I also thought it would be easy to put together in a power point since I have been using power point since I started at AU. Well! Was I surprised when the first debate started and I realized all the research and reflection that goes into preparing an online debate? It was not going to be easy! I felt some panic because I had lots of work to do to present a strong debate. I was disappointed that I had to wait until the middle of November before presenting, because the presentations were so well done I felt the bar was set very high. I didn’t feel I could do it. 2. I felt lots of fear and anxiety as I prepared my debate. After reading the debate links and reading the classmates presentations, I got more stressed because I didn’t know where to start or what to start with. Since so many classmates had presented interesting angles and strategies to their presentations, I didn’t want to copy someone else’s debate so I struggled to be original. 3. As I posted my debate I felt relieved that part of the work was done, however, I feared what my classmates would ask or comment on. 4. Preparing for the rebuttal was very stressful for me since I waited at the last minute to prepare due to work. Bev really gave me challenging arguments to rebut. I believe the rebuttal was my biggest learning curve. I enjoyed receiving the feedback since it actually gave me some ammunition for my closing arguments. It was interesting to find out how everyone felt about the topic and where they stood. 5. Completing the self evaluation was something that I really enjoyed. I teach my students to complete journals and self-reflections. I actually practiced what I preach. Self-evaluations should be done after every assignment. 6. Interestingly I utilized some debate lingo and strategies at work to defend a student. I definitely learnt allot about inductive fallacies which are numerous. Just when you think you have a fact it is often a fallacy. I will be more comfortable defending my case when I need to fight my cause. 7. Yes this was an effective learning strategy. As nurses we need to be able to defend and advocate for our patients or in my case my students. Having a well prepared defence with facts and supporting data definitely demonstrates professionalism and credibility.