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The Concept Map you are trying to access has information related to:
elementary music, give students a rhyme, as they read have them discover on which syllables the beat falls, assignment prepare a cmap showing your collection of appropriate songs, games, and materials to make classroom instruments for each grade level, second grade tied notes, half notes, half rests 4 4 meter, intermediate grades, elementary music rhythm, fourth grade dotted quarter followed by eighth, anacrusis, 6 8 meter, eighth rests, quarter-half- quarter, more difficult syncopation, primary grades, first grade rhythm introduce quarter and two eighth notes,2 4 meter, barline, measure, double bar.accent, fifth grade, third grade patterns four sixteenth notes, one eighth note two sixteenth pattern and vice versa, 3 4 meter, whole note, whole rest, dotted half note, syncopation , have students perform songs in 6 8 meter using using rhythm patterns below, kindergarten rhythm keep the steady beat, explore space using expressive movement, imitate sounds, sound and silence, short and longs sounds, early childhood pre-k rhythm -react to music as we listen melody sing nursery rhymes