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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: chp8, ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) which is formed from a switch to which multiple computers attach., LAN's:devised as alternatives to expensive, dedicated point to point connections, the designs diffeer fundamentally from long- distance networks because they rely on sharing the network. main reason for success Locality of reference principle, a topolgy is the general shape of a networks phyiscal design, by which they are classified. some examples Bus:when computers are attached to a single long cable., Star: when all computers attach to a central point. example ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode), Each communication channel connected exactly two computers, and was available to those computers exclusively. three useful properties because only two computers have access to the channel, it is easy to enforce security and privacy., LAN Technologies and Network Topology Direct Point-to-Point Communication Each communication channel connected exactly two computers, and was available to those computers exclusively., a topolgy is the general shape of a networks phyiscal design, by which they are classified. some examples ring:when computers are connected in a closed loop., Locality of reference principle which is computer communications follows two distinct patterns.1.computers are more likely to communicate with computers that are closer.2. a computer is more likely to communicate with the same set of computers repeatedly., Each communication channel connected exactly two computers, and was available to those computers exclusively. three useful properties each connection is installed independently,appropriate hardware can be used, Each communication channel connected exactly two computers, and was available to those computers exclusively. three useful properties they have exclusive access, the connected computers can exactly how to send data across the connection., a topolgy is the general shape of a networks phyiscal design, by which they are classified. some examples Star: when all computers attach to a central point., Bus:when computers are attached to a single long cable. examples the ethernet is a well-known and widely used network technology that employs bus topology., Bus:when computers are attached to a single long cable. examples LocalTalk-created by Apple computer corporation also uses bus topology., LAN Technologies and Network Topology Shared communication channels LAN's:devised as alternatives to expensive, dedicated point to point connections, the designs diffeer fundamentally from long- distance networks because they rely on sharing the network., Network topolgies what?? a topolgy is the general shape of a networks phyiscal design, by which they are classified., LAN Technologies and Network Topology Network topolgies