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Respecting Differences

a lesson plan for grades 6–8 English language arts, theatre arts education, guidance, and English language development

by Daryl Walker (pwalker@aol.com), judy peele (jpeele@chatham.k12.nc.us)

This Guidance/Drama unit offers students the opportunity to identify prejudices and understand how certain character traits such as tolerance, respect, and kindness affect their choice of behavior. Since this lesson addresses sensitive issues, teachers should avoid situations that could be hurtful to individuals or groups. This unit can be adapted to almost any age group or ability level.

Teacher's lesson goals/objectives

Students will:

  • identify similarities and differences among each other with regard to physical/social differences, attitudes, abilities, likes, dislikes, etc.
  • identify reasons people dislike others based on a personal injury or a prejudice.
  • examine prejudicial situations in literature, tv, music, fairy tales, movies, historical and present times, and identify positive strategies which employ character traits such as kindness, courage, respect, and tolerance.
  • become aware of how body language can communicate hostility and rejection or a more positive message. They also will understand how their choice of attitude expressed through body language and words affects the responses of others.
  • create and perform everyday scenes which portray peer rejection. They will determine alternative positive outcomes based on respect, tolerance, and kindness.

North Carolina curriculum alignment

English Language Arts (2001 version - Implemented and Tested.)

Grade 8 Goal 1: The learner will use language to express individual perspectives through analysis of personal, social, cultural, and historical issues.

Objective 3: Interact in group activities and/or seminars in which the student:
- shares personal reactions to questions raised.
- gives reasons and cites examples from text in support of expressed opinions.
- clarifies, illustrates, or expands on a response when asked to do so, and asks classmates for similar expansion.

Objective 4: Reflect on learning experiences by:
- evaluating how personal perspectives are influenced by society, cultural differences, and historical issues.
- appraising changes in self throughout the learning process.
- evaluating personal circumstances and background that shape interaction with text.

Grade 8 Goal 4: The learner will continue to refine critical thinking skills and apply criteria to evaluate text and multimedia.

Objective 1: Analyze the purpose of the author or creator and the impact of that purpose by:
- evaluating any bias, apparent or hidden messages, emotional factors, or propaganda
- evaluating the underlying assumptions of the author/creator.

Guidance (2001 version - Implemented but not tested.)

Grades 06-08 Goal 7: Acquire the attitudes, knowledge, and interpersonal skills to help understand and respect self and others.

Objective 11: Respect alternative points of view.
Objective 12: Recognize, accept, respect, and appreciate ethnic, cultural, and individual diversity.
Objective 13: Respect differences in various family configurations.
Objective 15: Understand that communication involves speaking, listening, and nonverbal behavior.

Theatre Arts Education (2001 version - Approved/Future Implementation in2001)

Grade 08 Goal 1: The learner will write based on personal experience and heritage, imagination, literature, and history.

Objective 2: Create written dramatic material based on original or established interdisciplinary prompts, personal experiences and historical events.

Grade 08 Goal 2: The learner will act by interacting in improvisations and assuming roles.

Objective 3: Utilize acting skills to study human behavior and conflict resolution.

English Language Development (2004 version - Draft)

Domain: 1. Listening (Grade 08)

Listening Intermediate High:

Objective 04: Monitor own understanding of group discussions and seek clarification.

Listening Intermediate Low:

Objective 01: Listen to stories and information presented in group discussions and identify, analyze, and evaluate key details and concepts through verbal and non-verbal responses by making connections to personal experiences.

Domain: 3. Reading (Grade 08)

Reading Intermediate High:

Objective 04: Analyze text before, during, and after reading.
Objective 05: Demonstrate a basic understanding of literary devices as defined by grade-level competencies with assistance.
Objective 06: Extend knowledge of figurative and idiomatic language found in grade-level literature and other materials selected by the teacher with assistance.

Reading Intermediate Low:

Objective 04: Interact with the text before, during, and after reading teacher selected material with assistance.
Objective 05: Increase reading fluency and comprehension through effective reading strategies of simple material, including short discourse on familiar topics in expository and narrative texts.
Objective 06: Recognize and respond to basic characteristics of different literary genres with assistance.

Domain: 2. Speaking (Grade 08)

Speaking Intermediate High:

Objective 01: Use and recombine words, phrases, and sentences representing new and learned vocabulary words with multiple meanings.
Objective 02: Demonstrate sufficient accuracy to be clearly understood using common verb tense forms and simple endings in oral expression (e.g., past, present, future, present third person singular, present first person).
Objective 03: Demonstrate some use of basic figurative language and common idioms.
Objective 04: Sustain conversations on familiar topics with some errors that don't interfere with meaning.
Objective 05: Initiate group discussions, with assistance, on academic topics with some errors that don't interfere with meaning.
Objective 06: Provide responses demonstrating some use of connections and interpretation of familiar topics.
Objective 07: Paraphrase, with sufficient detail, information acquired through reading or listening.

Speaking Intermediate Low:

Objective 01: Begin to use words, phrases, and sentences representing learned and some new vocabulary on familiar topics.
Objective 02: Begin to demonstrate common verb tense forms including some irregulars.
Objective 03: Participate in guided discussions and social conversations, on familiar topics, although the speaker will often demonstrate the use of repetition and circumlocution to make herself understood.
Objective 04: Participate in and demonstrate comprehension of short oral academic presentations through topic-related questions and answers on familiar topics.
Objective 05: Use and respond correctly to yes/no questions and some open-ended questions on familiar topics, including content-based material.
Objective 06: Begin to retell information acquired through reading and/or listening.

Domain: 4. Writing (Grade 08)

Writing Intermediate High:

Objective 04: Exhibit the use of helping verbs in past, present, and future tenses.
Objective 05: Construct more advanced paragraphs demonstrating main idea and supporting details with assistance.
Objective 07: Express opinions and reactions to a variety of media on familiar topics in simple form with assistance.

Writing Intermediate Low:

Objective 04: Produce simple paragraphs using common language structures that may have some errors with assistance (e.g., personal letters, brief journal entries, short reports on familiar topics).
Objective 05: Produce simple written responses to content area texts appropriate in difficulty for proficiency level, using reference material with assistance.

English Language Development Additional Information
Critical Vocabulary for English Language Learners

More info
Critical vocabulary should be taught through modeling and/or pictures and synonyms. 1)prejudice; 2)character traits: tolerence; respect; kindness; 3) rejecting/accepting similar/different

Time required

5 hours

Materials/resources needed

  • Personal Survey (attachment)
  • Chart paper for Activity #2
  • Activity Cards (attachment) for Activity #3
  • Pencil and paper
  • Film Intolerance by D. W. Griffiths
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • 8th-Grade Literature Text
  • Additional Attachments

Technology resources needed



Personal Survey

The teacher will introduce the lesson by explaining that in the next few sessions, differences and diversity will be explored. To understand their current perspectives on differences, students will complete a personal survey (see survey attachment) to be repeated at the end of the unit. These pre and post surveys will reflect attitudinal changes.


  1. Up and Down

    Tell the class that we will be discussing ways we are similar and different. To identify these ways, we will play a game, "Up and Down". (See UpDown attachment.) Students will stand up if a statement is true for them. Discuss with the class such questions as:

    • Was anyone surprised by the results?
    • Did you learn anything about your class?
    Discussion will conclude with the concepts that we are alike and different from each other. Differences can lead to disagreements. Everyone has choices how to handle differences and disagreements.
  2. What's Your Bias?

    Divide the class into small groups. Give each group chart paper and one marker. Select a time keeper and a recorder to write down results. The group will brainstorm a list of why they might not like someone. Establish the rule beforehand to use no names; simply state the reasons. These might include name calling, new student, nothing in common, irritating habits, etc.

    Teacher puts two sheets of chart paper on board. As each group shares their Bias list, the teacher selects legitimate reasons for disliking someone,(i.e. a personal injury or insult) and writes those on one sheet. On the other sheet, reasons based on prejudice (i.e. group labeling, irrationality, etc.) are written. After modeling this technique, the class will understand how to place their items on the appropriate sheet as the teacher asks for them.

    Teacher will introduce the concept of prejudice and ask students to give their own definitions which are then listed on the board. This might include labeling a group, stereotypes, jokes, slurs, negative body language, ignoring someone, etc. Teacher then shares a dictionary definition of prejudice.

    The teacher, (wearing a large brimmed hat as a prop, if possible) leads the class discussion to recognize that prejudice is like putting on a huge hat. The hat blocks the vision of the wearer who only sees the big hat. The hat represents prejudice blocking one's vision to see others as they really are. Prejudice has always been present in the world and challenges us to practice ways to show acceptance of differences.

    Other questions to discuss might include:

    • Why do people sometimes show prejudice toward a group of people? (learned at home, follow the crowd, etc.)
    • Why is it important to discuss prejudice?
  3. Activity Card

    Review the concept of prejudice from Activity #2. Divide the class into small groups. (See Card attachment). Prepare each card with a different topic using characters from the following: Movies (Shrek (physical appearance), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (disabilities), Aladdin (social class), Mulan (gender) or student's choice), Fairy Tales (Cinderella, Hare and the Tortoise, etc., Music, TV (cartoons, sitcoms, etc.), Historical Times (Holocaust, Native Americans, etc.), The Present (school violence at Columbine, new students, new minority populations in a community, etc.)

    Give each group a card. Each group will identify a character from their topic and brainstorm all the ways that the character was "put down or discriminated against." They should identify personal injury or prejudice for each situation and how it was handled by the character.

    Whole class discussion might include categorizing the prejudices noted on the cards such as position in the family (Cinderella), handicap (tortoise), racial (integration), socioeconomic (poor/rich). Questions for the students could include:

    • How do the people feel when they experience prejudice?
    • How did they handle it? Why?
    • How can you apply the character's successful strategies (on cards) to present day situations?
    • Does this remind you of anything in your own life? How?
  4. "Freeze Frame"

    This is a nonverbal activity: students work in pairs to create a "freeze frame" (or statue) which conveys through body language two people in a situation of opposite intention/feeling. One wants something and postures in a positive, requesting way. The other postures in a negative/hostile rejecting way. Student discussion of each presentation follows (briefly or at length), giving feedback to what they see, interpreting how each person in the "frame" might feel. Actors then tell the class what the specific situation was which they demonstrated. Teacher can ask how reactions based on respect, kindness, and tolerance rather than rejection would make a difference.

  5. "Rejection" Dialogue Scenes

    This is a role-playing activity. To get started, teacher should ask students for suggestions of "rejection" situations that may occur in school, reminding them of the earlier activity, "What's your Bias?". Teacher divides class into groups of 3 or 4. Using the 5Ws (attachment) as a planning guide, have each group design a scene to act out about a person who is rejected by a peer. (For example, "Could I join you for lunch? Can we shoot some baskets? Want to go to the mall?", etc. but the answer is "no", verbally, physically or both.)

    The scene should clearly communicate what each person wants and how each feels. Students should plan a beginning, middle and end, make the scene believable, interesting, relevant to their experience, and 2-5 minutes long. The teacher should review the rubric (attachment) after the activity is explained but before the planning begins.

Teacher invites feedback on each scene, i.e. How did you (each character) feel and why? If you could "rewind and replay" your role, what could have been done differently to provide a more positive outcome? Where could traits such as tolerance, respect and kindness be demonstrated?
Writing Follow-up: (optional) Students are asked to write (rapidly and and descriptively) their responses to the scene they just acted. The teacher gives students these writing prompts:
The first prompt is "I just came from the ___________" (location of scene student played in-describe the place (Where) how it looked, felt, sounded, smelt, etc. - whatever applies. Draw a picture of that place with words.)

The next prompt is "Describe what happened" (ask students to include both points of view, what occurred between the two people, who wanted/did not want what, and why.

The last prompt is "How did you feel about your role and what happened to you and why? How did you feel about the other person and the outcome of the situation? Why did you think you were right?

(This writing activity could be expanded in a descriptive, expressive, or argumentative manner according to the teacher's wishes.)

Literary Application:(optional)

Using the 5Ws guide, have students (groups of 3-4) act out a scene from the Diary of Anne Frank (or a piece from the literature text book) which demonstrates the rejection/acceptance theme and exemplifies one or all of the character traits of tolerance, respect, and kindness. The same activity could be applied to numerous examples of literature or film, (i.e. Romeo and Juliet, West Side Story, King and I, Intolerance) in which prejudice/rejection is a theme.

Suggested Modifications for English Language Learners

Read the fairy tales aloud; show cartoons and excerpts from other videos; provide knowledge of American culture; pair ELL's with other students to help complete surveys and activity cards; simplify the language and plot in the fairy tales.


  • Attitudinal changes will be evidenced through the pre/post survey. Through class discussion and group work students will be able to identify examples of prejudice and tolerance.
  • Students in "Freeze Frame" activity will know how effective and clear their presentation was by the verbal response of the class and teacher - how well did they communicate?
  • Rubric for "Rejection" Dialogue Scenes (attachment)
  • Culminating Evaluation Activity: Each student will chose, plan and present one of the following activities to express what has been learned about differentiating legitimate dislike from prejudice and how choices determine one's behavior and others' responses to them:
    • Write a letter to your child explaining why you want him/her to make choices based on positive character traits rather than negativity and prejudice.
    • Create a video, poster, rap, or rock song (words required, music optional), short story, series of cartoon strips, creative movement story or a three-scene performance (scripted or improvised and based on 5Ws) which demonstrates learning from this unit.

Alternative Assessments for English Language Learners

ELL's should be allowed to create a poster depicting how feelings change about prejudice as a final product rather than write an essay.

Supplemental resources/information for teachers


  • Gardner, Howard. Frames Of Mind: The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences. New York: Basic Books, 1983
    *The cornerstone supporting the rationale for arts integration in the curriculum and interdisciplinary learning.
  • Kelner, Lenore Blank. The Creative Classroom. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1993
    *An excellent guide for using creative drama in the classroom.
  • Lewis, Barbara A. What Do You Stand For? A Kid's Guide to Character Building. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Free Spirit Publishing, Inc., 1998.
    *An excellent resource containing activities exemplifying character traits ready to use for Middle Grade students.
  • Nobleman, Roberta. 50 Projects For Creative Dramatics. Charlottesville, Virginia: New Plays, 1980.
    *Good introductory exercises organized according to topics and easily accessible; an old stand-by.
  • Renard, Sue and Sockol, Kay. Creative Drama: Enhancing Self-Concepts And Learning. Minneapolis, Mn.: Educational Media Corp., 1987
    *Easily accessible drama activities for k-8. Interdisciplinary units include language arts, theatre arts, social studies, science and health.
  • Salazar, Laura Gardner. Teaching Dramatically, Learning Thematically. Charlottesville, Va.: New Plays Inc.,1995
    *Taking her inspiration from Dorothy Heathcote, Salazar structures thematic lessons for K-12. Her use of drama as a teaching tool is shaped by current research about multiple intelligences.
  • Spolin, Viola. Theater Games For The Classroom: A Teacher's Handbook. Evanston, III.: Northwestern University Press, 1986.
    *Improvisational drama games for teachers and students.
  • Stanistreet, Grace. Letters To A Young Teacher. Charlottesville, Virginia: New Plays, 1984
    *This remarkable collection of letters reveals the fertile imagination and dedication this exceptional, pioneering drama educator who was a forerunner of theMI/A+ Schools concept. Required reading for any teacher.
  • Stewig, John Warren and Buege, Carol. Dramatizing Literature In Whole Language Classrooms. Williston, Vt.: Teachers College Press, 1994
    *Useful resource for integrating drama across the curriculum.
  • Teaching Tolerance (magazine), 400 Washington Avenue, Montgomery AL 36104; Tel: (334) 264-0286, http://www.splcenter.org/teachingtolerance.html
    *A National Education Project dedicated to helping teachers foster equity, respect, and understanding in the classroom. TT Mag is available free to teachers.

Relevant websites

Teachers may wish to link with the core curriculum unit "Differencess Across the Curriculum", Parts 1 & 2 by Lynn Carter and Parts 3 & 4 by Hilda Hamilton. Found under "Breaking the Mold" section.

Mix It Up Day


Because respect for differences is crucial to work and personal success in our changing world, our hope is that this unit will provide a tool for opening class discussions and individual perspectives on celebrating the differences in our classrooms, communities and the world. This unit is subjective, dealing with attitudes. Students must be led in the process of discovering their own viewpoints and broadening their understandings of diversity. They will ultimately be the teachers in the lesson, posing the questions, setting the pace, and reaching the conclusions.
Our concern about negativity among students based on prejudice and differences triggered the idea for this unit as well as the belief that a Multiple Intelligences approach to problem-solving can create student awareness and sensitivity and clarify their responsibility for their actions.

Optional information

Subjects (provided by the Standard Course of Study)

English Language Arts
Theatre Arts Education
English Language Development

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