Conditions for Classroom Technology Innovations Zhao This article was a study that followed about 10 teachers for a year. They were chosen based on a grant they received for their technology integration. The author stated 11 factors affecting integration. These are as follows with some explanation: Innovator-the teachers 1.Technology proficiency- This would include everything that goes along with working with computers, the hard and software, the output devices, etc. This factor is necessary in order to teach students well. 2.Compatibility between the teacher's pedagogical beliefs and the technology. Those teachers that are more reflective are more flexible to change. "Additionally we found that successful implementation of classroom technology was more likely to occur when teachers viewed technology as the means to an edn, rather than an end itself, and when they saw an intimate connection between technology and the curriculum." (p. 492) 3.Social awareness-Parents and administration may be nervous of public postings of students work. Teachers need to be aware of this and ready for how they will handle it. They also need to be aware of colleague's views and actions. Innovation 1.Distance-How far is the technology from the norm of the school culture, school practice, and available resources 2.Culture-If the technology is too far from this norm, it will not be successful. 3.Existing practice-This would mean that of the teacher imlementing the technology. 4.Existing technology resources-What is the amount of new technology that is needed. 5.Dependence on others-The level of success drops as dependence goes up. Context in which the innovation takes place 1.Institutional support-admnistration needs to demonstrate this. When a teacher had someone to help, implementation went better. 2.Technology infrastructure-If this is solidly in place, implementation goes much smoother. 3.Social support-This is most important when there is a high level of dependence.