This is a selected list
of papers available on-line from projects at IHMC related to concept
A Knowledge Modeling and Sharing Environment, A. J.
Cañas, G. Hill, R. Carff, N. Suri, J. Lott, T. Eskridge,
G. Gómez, M. Arroyo, R. Carvajal, In: Concept Maps:
Theory, Methodology, Technology, Proceedings of the
First International Conference on Concept Mapping, A.J.
Cañas, J.D. Novak, and F.M. González, Editors. 2004,
Universidad Pública de Navarra: Pamplona, Spain. p.
on New Constructivist Ideas and CmapTools to Create a
New Model for Education / Construyendo
sobre Nuevas Ideas Constructivistas y la Herramienta
CmapTools para Crear un Nuevo Modelo para Educación,
J. D. Novak, A. J. Cañas A., Revised Version of paper
published in: / Versión Revisada de artículo publicado
en: A J. Cañas, J. D. Novak & F. M. González (Eds),
Concept maps: Theory, methodology technology,
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
Concept Mapping. Pamplona, Spain: Universidad Pública de
Maps Applied to Mars Exploration Public Outreach, G.
Briggs, D. A. Shamma, A. J. Cañas, R. Carff, J.
Scaargle, J. D. Novak, in Concept Maps: Theory,
Methodology, Technology. Proceedings of the First
International Conference on Concept Mapping, A.J. Cañas,
J.D. Novak, and F. González, Editors. 2004, Universidad
Pública de Navarra: Pamplona, Spain. p. 109-116.
the Web to Suggest Concepts during Concept Map
Construction, A. J. Cañas, M. Carvalho, M. Arguedas,
D. B. Leake, A. Maguitman, T. REichherzer, in Concept
Maps: Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proceedings of
the 1st International Conference on Concept Mapping.,
A.J. Cañas, J.D. Novak, and F.M. González, Editors.
2004, Universidad Pública de Navarra: Pamplona, Spain.
p. 135-142.
from a Concept Map: Towards Automatic Concept-Map-Based
Query Formation, D. B. Leake, A. Maguitman, T.
Reichherzer, A. J. Cañas, M. Carvalho, M. Arguedas, T.
Eskridge, in Concept Maps: Theory, Methodology,
Technology. Proceedings of the First International
Conference on Concept Mapping, A.J. Cañas, J.D. Novak,
and F.M. González, Editors. 2004, Universidad Pública de
Navarra: Pamplona, Spain. p. 409-416.
Concept Maps: A Theoretical Note on
Concepts and the Need for Cyclic Concept Maps, F.
Safayeni, N. Derbentseva, A. J. Cañas, Manuscript
submitted for Publication, 2003.
on the Effects of Map Structure and Concept
Quantification during Concept Map Construction, N.
Derbentseva, F. Safayeni, A. J. Cañas, in Concept Maps:
Theory, Methodology, Technology. Proceedings of the
First International Conference on Concept Mapping, A.J.
Cañas, J.D. Novak, and F.M. González, Editors. 2004,
Universidad Pública de Navarra: Pamplona, Spain.
Maps: Integrating Knowledge and Information
Visualization, A. J. Cañas, R. Carff, G. Hill, M.
Carvalho, M. Arguedas, T. C. Eskridge, J. Lott, R.
Carvajal, in Knowledge and Information Visualization:
Searching for Synergies, S.-O. Tergan, and T. Keller,
Editors. 2005. Heidelberg / New York: Springer Lecture
Notes in Computer Science.
Aiding Knowledge Capture by Searching for
Extensions of Knowledge Models, D. B. Leake, A.
Maguitman, T. Reichherzer, A. J. Cañas, M. Carvalho, M.
Arguedas, S. Brenes, T. Eskridge, Proceedings of K-CAP
´03, October 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Using WordNet for Word Sense
Disambiguation to Support Concept Map Construction,
A. J. Cañas, A. Valerio, J. Lalinde-Pulido, M. Carvalho,
M. Arguedas, Proceedings of SPIRE 2003 – 10th
International Symposium on String Processing and
Information Retrieval, October 2003, Manaus, Brazil.
Web Searches from Concept Map-based Knowledge
Models, M. Carvalho, R. Hewett, A. J. Cañas, SCI
2001: Fifth Multi-Conference on Systems, Cybernetics and
Informatics, Orlando, FL, July 2001.
Summary of Literature Pertaining to the Use of Concept
Mapping Techniques and Technologies for Education and
Performance Support, J. W. Coffey, M. J. Carnot, P.
J. Feltovich, J. Feltovich, R. R. Hoffman, A. J. Cañas,
J. D. Novak, Technical Report submitted to the Chief of
Naval Education and Training, Pensacola, FL, 2003.
Knowledge Modeling and the Creation of
El-Tech: A Performance Support and Training System for
Electronic Technicians, J. W. Coffey, A. J. Cañas,
T. Reichherzer, G. Hill, N. Suri, R. Carff, T. Mitrovich
& D. Eberle, Expert Systems with Applications, 25(4)
LEO: A Learning Environment Organizer to
Support Computer-Mediated Instruction, J. W. Coffey,
A. J. Cañas, Journal for Educational Technology Systems
31(3), 2003.
Concept Maps vs. Web Pages for Information
Searching and Browsing, M. J. Carnot, B. Dunn, A J.
Cañas, P. Graham, J. Muldoon, Manuscript in preparation,
Knowledge Construction and Sharing in
Quorum, Cañas A. J., Ford K. M., Brennan J., Reichherzer
T., Hayes P., World Conference on Artificial
Intelligence in Education, Washington DC, July 1995. (pdf,
Colaboracion en la Construccion
de Conocimiento Mediante Mapas Conceptuales, Cañas, A.
J., K. M. Ford, P. H. Hayes, T. Reichherzer, N. Suri, J.
W. Coffey, R. Carff, G. Hill, Invited Plenary Talk, VIII
Congreso Internacional sobre Tecnología y Educación a
Distancia, San José, Costa Rica, (Nov. 1997). Available
in the Proceedings of the Conference, pp. XXV- XLII. (pdf,
Using Concept Maps with Technology to Enhance
Collaborative Learning in Latin America, Cañas, A.
J., K. M. Ford, J. D. Novak, P. Hayes, T. Reichherzer,
N. Suri, accepted for publication, Science Teacher.
Ideas sobre la Educación y las Herramientas
Computacionales Necesarias para Apoyar su
Implementación, Cañas, A. J., Revista RED: Educación
y Formación Profesional a Distancia, Ministerio de
Educación, España, (Otoño 1999).
para Construir y Compartir Modelos de Conocimiento
Basados en Mapas Conceptuales
, Cañas, A. J., K. M. Ford, J. W. Coffey, T.
Reichherzer, N. Suri, R. Carff, D. Shamma, G. Hill, M.
Breedy, Revista de Informática Educativa, Vol. 13, No. 2
(2000), pp. 145-158.
A Performance Support System with Embedded Training for
Electronics Technicians, Cañas, A. J., J. W. Coffey,
T. Reichherzer, N. Suri, R. Carff, G. Hill, Proceedings
of the Eleventh Florida Artificial Intelligence Research
Symposium, Sanibel Island, Florida, (May 1997). (pdf)
The Giant: An
Agent-based Approach to Knowledge Construction &
Sharing, Reichherzer, T. R., A. J. Cañas, K. M. Ford, P.
J. Hayes, The Eleventh International Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Symposium Conference, Sanibel
Island, (1998) (pdf).
The Giant: A
Classroom Collaborator, Reichherzer, T. R., Cañas, A.
J., Ford, K. M., Hayes, P. J., Workshop on Pedagogical
Agents of the Fourth International Conference on
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), San Antonio, 1998,
pp. 83-86. (pdf).
Mapping and Manipulating Conceptual Knowledge,
Cañas, A. J., D. B. Leake, D. C. Wilson, AAAI Workshop
Technical Report WS-99-10: Exploring the Synergies of
Knowledge Management & Case-Based Reasoning, AAAI
Press, Menlo Calif, (July 1999). (pdf)
Explanation, Ford, K. M, A. J. Cañas, J. W. Coffey,
Proceedings of FLAIRS 93: Sixth Florida Artificial
Intelligence Research Symposium, Ft. Lauderadale, FL,
(April 1993), pp. 111-115.
Learning Environment Organizer for Asynchronous Distance
Learning Systems, Coffey, J. W. & A. J. Cañas,
Proceedings of the Twelth IASTED International
Conference Parallel and Distributed Computing and
Systems (PDCS 2000). November 6-9, 2000, Las Vegas,
the Web to Suggest Concepts during Concept Mapping:
Preliminary Results, Cañas,A. J., M. Carvalho, M.
Arguedas, XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na
Educação SBIE UNISINOS 2002, November 2002,
Concept Map-Based Knowledge Modeling Approach to Expert
Knowledge Sharing, Coffey, J. W., R. Hoffman, A. J.
Cañas and K. M. Ford, IKS 2002- The IASTED International
Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing,
November 2002, Virgin Islands.