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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Post-op Care, acute renal failure fluid deficit, infection: UTI, wound, Resp./Phleb. get orders cutlures prn, fluid accumulation skin issue Ineffective Wound Healing, Heparin Lovenox check qd PTT level, Neurological Complications & Interventions Delirium Esp. prominent c elderly., GI complications & Interventions paralytic ileus npo & NGT, Respiratory Complications & Interventions atelectasis hypoxemia pneumonia Give pain pre-med then ICS &/or C&DB, Respiratory Complications & Interventions airway obstruction indicated by loud snores Call doctor for attention; get med order., Always monitor I & O draniage, urine, etc. indicates fluid deficit, Psychocial Complications & Interventions body image Depression/ Denial, Give pain pre-med then ICS &/or C&DB stay & teach some may never learn so C&DB only DB then C 3x Inhale & hold 2-5 sec on spirometer, Psychocial Complications & Interventions OK at 1st denial, SCD Virchow's Triad DVT venous stasis v.irritation hypercoag. pulmonary embolism, Neurological Complications & Interventions Hypothermia Common in PACU; give warm blanket, Psychocial Complications & Interventions anxiety give reassurance, TED hose Virchow's Triad DVT venous stasis v.irritation hypercoag. Heparin Lovenox, Respiratory Complications & Interventions atelectasis hypoxemia pneumonia Give O2 c order, Ineffective Wound Healing prevent by Monitor quality& drainage CDI = clean, dry, & intact, Special Considerations For Elderly Pai Pain, fluid overload scan bladder for residual urine