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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Psychological Complications and Gerontological Conderations, result of alcoh w/drawal Sx: restlessness, insomnia, nightmares, tachyc,confusion, irritability Nursing Diagnosis anxiety ineffec coping decisional conflict, Pain, anxiety ineffec coping decisional conflict Nursing Implementation provide adeq support observe and eval pt behav include pt in discharge process, FE imbalance, hypox drug effec, sleep depriv, sens alt Delirium tremens result of alcoh w/drawal Sx: restlessness, insomnia, nightmares, tachyc,confusion, irritability, Mental status, Psychological Complications Anxiety Depression -had radical surgery (amputation, colostomy) -pt who lives alone, Gerontological Respiratory reaction to anesthetics shld be monitored pnemonia common, atherosclerosis dec elas of b.ves,dec bl vol circ hyperten common Drug Toxicity, reaction to anesthetics shld be monitored pnemonia common Vascular atherosclerosis dec elas of b.ves,dec bl vol circ hyperten common, -had radical surgery (amputation, colostomy) -pt who lives alone Confusion Delirium FE imbalance, hypox drug effec, sleep depriv, sens alt