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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cardiovascular Complications, Cardiovascular Complications Nursing Assessment -reg monitoring of bp, hr, pul, skin temp and color -compare pre and post op, -urinary and GI losses -when K is not replaced in IV fluids -low K = dec CO and tis perf DVT -stress response= inc clotting tendencies -result of inactivity, body pos, pressure -BAD! lead to pulmonary embolism, Cardiovascular Complications Hypotension -hypoperf to vital org: brain, heart, kidn -dec low sys vasc resist, arrythm, bp read wrong Sx: disorientation, LOC, chest pain, olig, anuria (hypox) ***interven shld b timely to prev ischemia/infarction -most common cause: unreplaced fluids and blood loss Tx: restore circ vol. (if no response to fluid admn, cardiac dysf is the cause of hypoten) Types: Prim cardiac dysf Secondary C D, -resulto of SNS as a result of pain, anxiety, bladder distention or resp compromise -also bec of hypotherm and preexist hyperten -seen after vasc and cardiac surgery Arrythmias -leading cause: hypoK, hypox, hypecarb, AB imbal, anestethic agents, pain, stress, hypotherm, -leading cause: hypoK, hypox, hypecarb, AB imbal, anestethic agents, pain, stress, hypotherm Fluid Loss -b/c surgery dec kid perf, stim RAAS, caused release of aldo -lead to inc Na and fluid reten and inc bld vol, -when IV fluid admin fast, older pts HypoK -urinary and GI losses -when K is not replaced in IV fluids -low K = dec CO and tis perf, -reg monitoring of bp, hr, pul, skin temp and color -compare pre and post op Nursing Diagnosis dec Co def fluid vol excess f vol ineffec tis perf activ intolerance pot complic: thromboembolism, -b/c surgery dec kid perf, stim RAAS, caused release of aldo -lead to inc Na and fluid reten and inc bld vol Fluid Overload -when IV fluid admin fast, older pts, -hypoperf to vital org: brain, heart, kidn -dec low sys vasc resist, arrythm, bp read wrong Sx: disorientation, LOC, chest pain, olig, anuria (hypox) ***interven shld b timely to prev ischemia/infarction -most common cause: unreplaced fluids and blood loss Tx: restore circ vol. (if no response to fluid admn, cardiac dysf is the cause of hypoten) Types: Prim cardiac dysf Secondary C D Hypertension -resulto of SNS as a result of pain, anxiety, bladder distention or resp compromise -also bec of hypotherm and preexist hyperten -seen after vasc and cardiac surgery, dec Co def fluid vol excess f vol ineffec tis perf activ intolerance pot complic: thromboembolism Nursing Implementation -I & O and lab findings -be alert for Sx of too slow or fast rt of fluid replacem -thirst / dryness uncomfort for pts (reg mouth care while NPO) -leg excercise (10-12x q 1-2 h) -ambulation carefully if ok -elastic stockings or seq compressive devic -heparin (prophylactic-ven thromb, pulm embol) -prevent syncope- slowly change pt pos, -stress response= inc clotting tendencies -result of inactivity, body pos, pressure -BAD! lead to pulmonary embolism Pulmonary embolism -suspect if pt complains: tachypnea, dyspnea, tachyc Sx: chest pain, hypoten, hemoptysis, arrythm, heart failure, -suspect if pt complains: tachypnea, dyspnea, tachyc Sx: chest pain, hypoten, hemoptysis, arrythm, heart failure Syncope(fainting) -dec CO, fluid def -result of post hypoten