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GI and Integumentary Complications, Risk for infec Pot complic: impaired wound healing Nursing Implementation note and rec char of drainage -carefully change dressing, caused by dec perist Hiccoughs caused by irritation of phrenic nerve w/c innerv diaphrag, AB-elec imbal, auscultate 4 quadr for BS presence, frequency, char eval emesis if occur (color, consistnc,amt) Nursing Diagnosis Nausea Imbalanced nutr Pot compl: paralytic ileus, hiccoughs, Nausea Imbalanced nutr Pot compl: paralytic ileus, hiccoughs Nursing Implementation NPO, IV infusions given give reg mouth care ambulation encourage pt to expel flatus pos pt on rt sid for gas, Gastrointestinal Complications Nausea and Vom anesthetics delayed gastric emptying, slow perist, caused by irritation of phrenic nerve w/c innerv diaphrag, AB-elec imbal Nursing Assessment auscultate 4 quadr for BS presence, frequency, char eval emesis if occur (color, consistnc,amt), req knowldg abt type of wound, drains inserted, expected drainage Nursing Diagnosis Risk for infec Pot complic: impaired wound healing, Integumentary Complications Wound healing -major concern during post op -nutritional state is impt -diabetics, ulcer colitis, alcoholism prone to prob with wound healing, anesthetics delayed gastric emptying, slow perist Abd distention caused by dec perist, -sepsis Sx: redness, pain , tenderness Syst Manif: fever & leukocytosis Nursing Assessment req knowldg abt type of wound, drains inserted, expected drainage