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Urinary Complications, Impaired urin elim pot complic: acute urin reten Nursing Implication -facilitate voiding (pos pt) -ambul to the bthrm -catheterization of ordered, -urine color, quantity, quality odor, consistency -assess catheters -if no voiding, inspect abd contour and bladder palpate and percuss for disten Nursing Diagnosis Impaired urin elim pot complic: acute urin reten, anesthesia depresses Nerv Sys and micturition reflex arc Retention occur after lower abd or pelv surg; spasms; pain alters pts percep of voiding immobiility, Urinary Complications Low urine output -1st 24 h caused by inc aldo and ADH, fluid restrc,drainage,diaphor, occur after lower abd or pelv surg; spasms; pain alters pts percep of voiding immobiility Oliguria Sx of acute renal fail., -1st 24 h caused by inc aldo and ADH, fluid restrc,drainage,diaphor Acute Urinary retention anesthesia depresses Nerv Sys and micturition reflex arc, Urinary Complications Nursing Assessment -urine color, quantity, quality odor, consistency -assess catheters -if no voiding, inspect abd contour and bladder palpate and percuss for disten