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Results Framework Nepal, Strategic Objective: Decrease Absolute Poverty to 15% by 2012 Intermediate Result 3: Strengthened rural economy, Intermediate Result 1: Life expectancy sustainably increased 5 yr span of project, need to measure maternal and child mortality IR 1.3: Provision of health services by governmental and non-governmental providers strengthened., Intermediate Result 3: Strengthened rural economy IR 3.1: Introduced sustainable agricultural practices, Intermediate Result 3: Strengthened rural economy IR 3 Indicator: Percent change in absolte s rural contribution to GDP, Strategic Objective: Decrease Absolute Poverty to 15% by 2012 SO Indicator: Proportion of population below $1 (PPP) per day Missing Social Indicator??, Intermediate Result 2: Corruption substantially reduced IR 2.1: Increased public participation of civil society groups, Intermediate Result 2: Corruption substantially reduced IR 2 Indicator: - Number and percentage of voters correctly registered - Number of reported election irregularities Score on corruption indicator, Intermediate Result 1: Life expectancy sustainably increased 5 yr span of project, need to measure maternal and child mortality IR 1 Indicator: Life expectancy at birth average of 62, Strategic Objective: Decrease Absolute Poverty to 15% by 2012 Intermediate Result 2: Corruption substantially reduced, Strategic Objective: Decrease Absolute Poverty to 15% by 2012 Intermediate Result 1: Life expectancy sustainably increased 5 yr span of project, need to measure maternal and child mortality