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This Concept Map has information related to: Abu Bakr Ba'asyir on jihad, Atran, S. (2005). Interview with Abu Bakr Ba'asyir. Full interview in English and Behasa Indonesia with the alleged leader of Jemaah Islamiyah, from Cipinang prison, Jakarta, August 13 and 15, 2005. quote from pg. 13 QUESTION: Is it acceptable to postpone a martyrdom action in order to make the hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca)? ANSWER: A martyrdom action cannot be postponed in this case because jihad is more important than making the hajj. For example one of most revered ulema, Ibn Taymiyah, was asked by a rich person: “Hey Sheikh, I have so much money but I’m confused about donating my money because there are two needy causes. There are poor people who, if I don’t help, will die of starvation. But if I use the money for this purpose, then the Jihad will lack funding. Therefore, I need your fatwa (religious decision) O Sheikh.” Ibn Taymiyah replied: “Give all your money for jihad. If the poor people die, it is because Allah fated it, because if we lose the Jihad, many more people will die.” There is no better deed that Jihad. None. The highest deed in Islam is Jihad. If we commit to Jihad, we can neglect other deeds. America wants to wipe out the teaching of Jihad through Ahmadiyah (an Islamic school of thought that believes that Pakistan’s Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the Prophet Muhammed’s successor). Through this organization, America works. Why? Because Ahmadiyah prohibits its followers to undertake Jihad because (they argue) Jihad is the teaching of Christians. This organization originates from India. Its headquarters are in London, funded by America. Ahmadiyah is America’s tool to destroy Islam, including JIL (Jaringan Islam Liberal = Islamic Liberal Network), an NGO in Jakarta that advocates a liberal form of Islam. It is funded by USAID., Ibn Taymiyah formulated the following fatwa, [p]: supporting jihad is more important than donating money to the poor therefore (S-R: argument from perfect authority AU: ABB) [p]: supporting jihad is more important than donating money to the poor, Ibn Taymiyah is "one of the most revered ulema" supports (AU: ABB) Ibn Taymiyah knows everything regarding jihad, if many more people than the poor will die because we lose the Jihad, then supporting jihad is more important than donating money to the poor therefore (S-R: modus ponens AU: Ibn Taymiyah) Ibn Taymiyah formulated the following fatwa, [p]: supporting jihad is more important than donating money to the poor, Ibn Taymiyah believes that [p] therefore (S-R: argument from perfect authority AU: ABB) [p]: supporting jihad is more important than donating money to the poor, "jihad is more important than making the hajj," the pilgrimage to Mecca and "There is no better deed than Jihad. None. The highest deed in Islam is Jihad", "Jihad is the teaching of Christians." therefore (S-R: modus ponens AU: Ahmadiyah) Ahmadiyah (an Islamic school of thought that believes that Pakistan’s Mirza Ghulam Ahmad is the Prophet Muhammed’s successor) "prohibits its followers to undertake Jihad", "America wants to wipe out the teaching of Jihad through Ahmadiyah" therefore (S-R: modus ponens AU: ABB) "Ahmadiyah is America’s tool to destroy Islam.", Logical Argument Mapping (LAM) a method described in a Powerpoint presentation (follow link at the bottom of this text box), Ibn Taymiyah intends to say the truth regarding [p] therefore (S-R: argument from perfect authority AU: ABB) [p]: supporting jihad is more important than donating money to the poor