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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Boylan and Economist on free will, "modern neuroscience" is challenging "the idea of free will." therefore (modus ponens AU=Economist) societies might fall apart, "the idea of responsibility" is justifiable only if there is free will therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) "the idea of responsibility" might fly "out of the window.", If businessmen are no longer responsible for their contracts, then societies will fall apart equivalent (AU=Economist) if there is no free will, then societies will fall apart, "modern neuroscience" is challenging "the idea of free will." therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) "an ideology of freedom is bizarre", free markets are morally justifiable only if either our instincts let us "do the right thing," or we are free to choose therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) free markets might not be justifiable, "modern neuroscience" is challenging "the idea of free will." therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) free markets might not be justifiable, ethics makes sense therefore (modus ponens AU=Boylan) we are free to choose to do something or not to do it, ethics makes sense only if we are free to choose to do some- thing or not to do it therefore (modus tollens AU=MH based on Economist) we are not free, an "ideology of freedom" is justifiable only if there is "a belief in free will" therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) "an ideology of freedom is bizarre", If criminals are no longer responsible for their crimes, then societies will fall apart equivalent (AU=Economist) if there is no free will, then societies will fall apart, ethics makes sense only if we are free to choose to do some- thing or not to do it therefore (modus ponens AU=Boylan) we are free to choose to do something or not to do it, "the criminal law—in the West, at least—is based on the idea that the criminal exercised a choice: no choice, no criminal." supports If criminals are no longer responsible for their crimes, then societies will fall apart, "modern neuroscience" is challenging "the idea of free will." therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) "the idea of responsibility" might fly "out of the window.", if there is no free will, then societies will fall apart therefore (modus ponens AU=Economist) societies might fall apart, modern neuroscience shows that "the brain is really just a mechanism" therefore (modus ponens AU=Economist) "modern neuroscience" is challenging "the idea of free will.", ethics makes sense only if we are free to choose to do some- thing or not to do it therefore (modus tollens AU=MH based on Economist) ethics does not make any sense, moral responsibility is possible therefore (modus ponens AU=Boylan) we are free to do otherwise, our instincts attract us to fatty, sugary foods and "addictive drugs such as nicotine, alcohol and cocaine," and to pornography therefore (modus tollens AU=Economist) free markets might not be justifiable, If parents are no longer responsible for their children, then societies will fall apart equivalent (AU=Economist) if there is no free will, then societies will fall apart, if modern neuroscience shows that "the brain is really just a mechanism," then modern neuroscience is challenging the idea of free will therefore (modus ponens AU=Economist) "modern neuroscience" is challenging "the idea of free will."