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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: disjunctive, either p or q, but not both therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) q, either Joan or Ann will row the boat therefore (ArgScheme: disjunctive syllogism) Ann does not row the boat, either p or q, but not both therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) not p, ¬ p therefore (ArgScheme: disjunctive syllogism) q, John cannot be both a catholic priest and married therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) John is not a catholic priest, Peter goes to New York or to Chicago therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) Peter goes to New York, John cannot be both a catholic priest and married therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) John is married, Peter does not go to Chicago therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) Peter goes to New York, John cannot be both a catholic priest and married therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) John is a catholic priest, p v q therefore (ArgScheme: disjunctive syllogism) q, Peter goes to New York or to Chicago therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) Peter goes to Chicago, p therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) ¬ q, p | q therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) ¬ q, either Joan or Ann will row the boat therefore (ArgScheme: disjunctive syllogism) Ann rows the boat, not both p and q (but may be none of both) therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) not q, warrant (located in LAM under- neath the "therefore" defined as a proposition that justifies that a reason is sufficient to produce a certain conclusion; authorizes the step from a reason to a claim, not both p and q (but may be none of both) therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) not p, either Joan or Ann will row the boat therefore (ArgScheme: disjunctive syllogism) Joan rows the boat, John cannot be both a catholic priest and married therefore (ArgScheme: not-both syllogism) John is not married, not p therefore (ArgScheme: disjunctive syllogism) q