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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Chapter 4A, Process A multithreaded application can handle parallel tasks. switching threads requires only loadng the CPU registers instead of the whole process context. Threads can also increase throughput in multiprocessor systems. Advantages, Process Threads can be used to maximize throughput. A single process can be multi-threaded, so that several tasks can occur in parallel. Threads, Process One major concern in corporate computing is throughput or efficiency. Large volumes of data will require more staff, more real estate, and more equipment on slower systems Overhead, Process considered a program in execution. Computers time share processes, alternating executing them in time slices managed by interrupts. Definition, Process One approach to efficiency is to keep a number of processes open all the time to share among multiple users, to avoid start-up, shut-down and other overhead activities. Shared, Threads The biggest disadvantage of threads is that because they have less protection from interference than processes, they require carefu l design and intelligent programming Safety