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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: challenges, Challenges create middleware that provides a programming abstraction and masking the heterogeneity of the underlying networks, hardware, OS's and programming languages an example of middleware is COBRA and remote SQL challenges also create heterogeneity and mobile code that can be sent from one computer to another and run at the destiation Heterogeneity, Challenges are controlling the cost of physical resources, controlling the performance loss, preventing software resources running out and avoiding performance bottlenecks are examples of Scalability, Challenges are making sure a resource can be accessed by several clients, the number can't be limited, at the same time and not have any hang ups are examples of Concurrency, Challenges are detecting failures, maksing failures, tolerating failures, recovery from failures and redundancy are examples of Failure handling, Challenges are access transparency, location transparency, concurrency transparency, replication transparency, failure transparency, mobility transparency, performance transparency and scaling transparency are examples of Transparency, Challenges are confidentiality (protection against disclosure to unauthorized individuals), integrity (protection against alteration or corruption) and availability (protection against interference with the means to access the resources) are examples of Security, Challenges are having key interfaces to be published which needs specification and documentation of software interfaces of the components of a system are made available to software develpers which can be cumbersome and slow moving Openness