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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Attraction, Physical Attractiveness Appearance is a factor that influences Attraction, Functional Distance Location Determines the strength of friendships Propinquity, Attraction The offspring care taker is very selective, this leads to evolving of larger "breeders" Intrasex Competition, Attraction has influences on society ????, Biology Being attractive means you are more likely to pass on your genes reproductive fitness, Biology Being attractive means you are more likely to pass on your genes Impact of Attractiveness, Physical Attractiveness Jurors are swayed by and judges are less harsh on attractive ones Criminals, Mere Exposure Having frequent meetings, will make people more pleasant Propinquity, Counter Balancing If you anticipate a person, you will enjoy them more Propinquity, Biology traits make a person more desirable reproductive fitness, Complimentarity dissimilar beliefs may encourage a well balanced relationship Similarity, Happy Couples Learn to love their parnter's qualities Physical Attractiveness, Sociometric Survey People relate to their neighbors Propinquity, Attraction Proposes that we seek mates that give us equal satisfaction for cost Equity Theory, Self Fulfilling Prophecy They believe they are better so they are Physical Attractiveness, Impact of Attractiveness Looking good is more important in public settings Prestige, Propinquity Location is a Factor that influences Attraction, Physical Attractiveness Good looks have a negative influence on Same Sex Relationships, Immediacy Because you see them first, attractive people's other traits are often ignored ????, Similarity Familiarity is a Factor that influences Attraction