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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Attraction, PROPINQUITY the way people become friends or lovers whch allows for, Attraction is increased by SIMILARITY, SIMILARITY means agreement within beliefs and other life issues, a sense of comfort a sense of familiarity which leads to, whch allows for Friendship a sense of comfort, causing these expectations ???? they expect good things from those they see often, Physical Attractiveness why is this so important Reproductive fitness, Reproductive fitness ???? which means, Reproductive fitness ???? People that "look good" produce children that "look good", Physical Attractiveness Halo Effect Attractive people have more mental characteristics other than their looks, shared characteristics between partners and other acquaintances which allows Physical Attractiveness, Attraction is an aspect of PROPINQUITY, SIMILARITY means shared characteristics between partners and other acquaintances, Attraction is an aspect of ????, agreement within beliefs and other life issues which are then validated, which leads to Mere Exposure Effect when people see each other often they expect to be treated the right way, SIMILARITY means smooth interactions