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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Relationships, Relationships current day relationships are shaped from the past ones, infants look a certain way to evoke attachment such as baby faces, parents Communal Relationships the opposite of this is, The Attachment Theory ???? Relationships are shaped by early attachments to parents, parents Communal Relationships is defined as feeling a sense of responsibility for others, Relationships are examples of how our self and others should merge into one, This is an example of the Self-Expansion Account of Relationships ???? Aron and Aron studied and documented this perspective, concluded that we should stay around people who remind us of positive individuals like those significant others, current day relationships are shaped from the past ones AKA relational self theory concluded that we should stay around people who remind us of positive individuals, current day relationships are shaped from the past ones AKA relational self theory Susan Anderson andSerena Chen studied this theory, infants look a certain way to evoke attachment such as big eyes, the opposite of this is Exchange Relationships or feeling no responsibility for others, Relationships John Bowlby, concluded that we should stay around people who remind us of positive individuals like those friends, concluded that we should stay around people who remind us of positive individuals like those parents, significant others Triangular Theory of Love 3 components, This is an example of the Self-Expansion Account of Relationships how our self and others should merge into one, the opposite of this is Exchange Relationships short term, infants look a certain way to evoke attachment such as large head, John Bowlby is known for The Attachment Theory