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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ch7 secu cryp algo, Cryptographics Algorithms: plaintext, ciphertext -symmetric algorithms- one way functions, secret key -asymmetric algorithms- trap door functions, public key a one way function with -block ciphers- most encryption algorithms operate on fixed size blocks of data, a message is subdivided into blocks, in cipher block chaining each plaintext block is combined with preceding ciphertext block using the exclusive (or-operation) before it is encrypted -stream ciphers-for encrypting telephone conversations, encryption in blocks is useless because the data streams are produced in real time in small chunks, stream ciphers are algorithms that can encrypt data incrementally one bit at a time -design of cryptographic algorithms- confusion is when nondestructive operations such as XOR and circular shifting are used to combine each block of plaintext with the key, diffusion means there is usually repetition and redundancy in the plaintext contains secret key (symmetric) algorithms: -TEA- Tiny Encryption Algorithm developed at Cambridge University, uses rounds of integer addition, XOR and bitwise logical shifts, to achieve diffusion or confusion of the bit patterns in the plaintext -DES-Data Encryption Standard was developed by IBM and was adopted by US national standard, the encryption function maps a 64bit plaintext input into a 64bit encrypted output using a 56 bit key, it has 16 key dependent rounds in which the data to be encrypted is bit rotated by a number of bits determined by the key and three key independent transpositions -IDEA-International Data Encryption Algorithm was developed as a successor to DES, like TEA it uses a 128bit key to encrypt 64bit blocks, it is based on algebra of groups and has 8 rounds of XOR -RC4-is a stream cipher developed by Ronald Rivest, Keys can be any length up to 256bytes, is ten times faster than DES -AES-Advanced Encryption Standard, the cipher has a variable block length and key length with specifications for keys with a length of 128, 192, 256 bits to encrypt blocks with a length of 128, 192 or 256 bits, Cryptographics Algorithms: plaintext, ciphertext -symmetric algorithms- one way functions, secret key -asymmetric algorithms- trap door functions, public key a one way function with -block ciphers- most encryption algorithms operate on fixed size blocks of data, a message is subdivided into blocks, in cipher block chaining each plaintext block is combined with preceding ciphertext block using the exclusive (or-operation) before it is encrypted -stream ciphers-for encrypting telephone conversations, encryption in blocks is useless because the data streams are produced in real time in small chunks, stream ciphers are algorithms that can encrypt data incrementally one bit at a time -design of cryptographic algorithms- confusion is when nondestructive operations such as XOR and circular shifting are used to combine each block of plaintext with the key, diffusion means there is usually repetition and redundancy in the plaintext contains Hybrid cryptographic protocols: public key cryptography is convenient for electronic commerce because there is no need for a secure key distribution mechanism, there is a need to authenticate public keys, Cryptographics Algorithms: plaintext, ciphertext -symmetric algorithms- one way functions, secret key -asymmetric algorithms- trap door functions, public key a one way function with -block ciphers- most encryption algorithms operate on fixed size blocks of data, a message is subdivided into blocks, in cipher block chaining each plaintext block is combined with preceding ciphertext block using the exclusive (or-operation) before it is encrypted -stream ciphers-for encrypting telephone conversations, encryption in blocks is useless because the data streams are produced in real time in small chunks, stream ciphers are algorithms that can encrypt data incrementally one bit at a time -design of cryptographic algorithms- confusion is when nondestructive operations such as XOR and circular shifting are used to combine each block of plaintext with the key, diffusion means there is usually repetition and redundancy in the plaintext contains Public key (asymmetric) algorithms: they depend upon the use of trap door functions of large numbers to produce the keys -RSA-Rivest, Shamir and Adelman, is based on the use of the product of two very large prime numbers, relying on the fact that the determination of the prime factors of such large numbers is so computationally difficult as to be effectively impossible to compute Elliptic curve algorithms: a method for generating public/private key pairs based on the properties of elliptic curves has been developed and tested