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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Social Influence, if responsibility is taken away from us we feel less stress about doing something bad explain why people obey leaders such as Hitler, Milgram experiments shows people are more likely to do bad things in small steps which desensitizes the action, Compliance comes in many ways, Foot in the door technique is performing a large action because it is consistent with our wanted self-image, Milgram experiments study with authority figures, Obedience deals with authority figures, many ways such as Foot in the door technique, conformity concerning Gender, conformity a form of informational social influence, many ways such as that's not all technique, normative social influence people conform because afraid to look bad in front of everyone else, Milgram experiments shows even under harsh circumstances people usually obey people of higher authority, Asch's Experiment pertains to normative social influence, even under harsh circumstances people usually obey people of higher authority explain why people obey leaders such as Hitler, many ways such as repicrocity, Gender usually men and women are more likely to conform about opposite sex topics in which they know less about, conformity a form of normative social influence, Obedience a form of Social Influence, people are more likely to do bad things in small steps which desensitizes the action explain why people obey leaders such as Hitler, Chameleon effect example of conformity