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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Attitudes and Behaviors, meet more people, get to know each other before meeting, just the two of you without interference of friends or families. dissonance between the two could be lying about themselves, can't see how they are reacting to what you are saying, can't read body language, can't see how they are with friends and families, distance, Behaviors forbidden toy experiment severe threat, Dr saying you will die if you don't lose weight attitude change Somewhat easier to lose weight by compling to the doctors orders when there is a serious reason. This takes away the dissonance and they can eat the healthy foods and still feel its okay to want the other foods., Home schooling your children justifications can learn at their own pace, Behavior going on a heart healty diet Dr saying you should lose a few pounds, Behaviors that can cause effort justification smoking, Owning a Pet justifications They give unconditional love, they are great companions, they make you happy., mild threat attitude change In order to feel less dissonance the child decided to dislike the toy. They decided it was not as great as they originally thought and not worth their time. This feeling held through 6 weeks later and showed that the attitude was changed., Behaviors forbidden toy experiment mild threat, Behaviors different behaviors that can cause effort justification Owning a Pet, paying a fee for a service justifications Since I paid already, I may as well put as much effort as I can to get this to succeed., Home schooling your children justifications Not around children that she considered "bad association", good record of wins, make some money, good jockey. rids dissonance Makes the bet, now he is sure the horse is a WINNER!, meet more people, get to know each other before meeting, just the two of you without interference of friends or families. rid of dissonance Meet and date or End the relationship, Behavior going on a heart healty diet Dr saying you will die if you don't lose weight, could be lying about themselves, can't see how they are reacting to what you are saying, can't read body language, can't see how they are with friends and families, distance rid of dissonance Meet and date or End the relationship, paying a fee for a service justifications They give unconditional love, they are great companions, they make you happy., Home schooling your children justifications Did not have to worry about her daughter getting involved too soon with boys., severe threat attitude change Having a severe threat lessened the dissonance that these children would feel They could justify not playing with it because the person would be angry. They could still like the toy and most found it even more interesting than before., Dr saying you should lose a few pounds attitude change Since it is sometimes harder to lose weight without real motivation a person would need to find reasons not to eat their favorite fattening foods in order to rid the dissonance they felt. "I don't really like that, I just ate it because it was convenient."