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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Induced Compliance and Attitude Change, induced compliance researchers who did experiments Freedman, induced compliance rationalizing the restrictions When someone is told not to do something they have a much greater impulse to do what was restricted. However, when they are tested twice, they are more likely not to break the rules during the second time., a teenagers curfew & sneaking out attitude after After sneaking out, the teenager gets caught by a parent. They are reprimanded, grounded, and told not to do so anymore. The second time, they are more likely to not sneak out because they know the consequences of getting caught., a teenagers curfew & sneaking out attitude before When a teenager is told they have a curfew, they always want to rebel. They think they can stay out late or sneak out when their parents go to bed. They are more likely to do something that their parents say is wrong or forbidden., induced compliance researchers who did experiments Mark Lepper, induced compliance researchers who did experiments Festinger and Carlsmith, induced compliance researchers who did experiments Aronson and Carlsmith, After sneaking out, the teenager gets caught by a parent. They are reprimanded, grounded, and told not to do so anymore. The second time, they are more likely to not sneak out because they know the consequences of getting caught. dissonance When a teenager is told they have a curfew, they always want to rebel. They think they can stay out late or sneak out when their parents go to bed. They are more likely to do something that their parents say is wrong or forbidden.