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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: SPD, Discrimination examples not giving a job to someone because he is black, Cognitive Perspective can be connected by self-fulfilling prophecy Prejudice, Motivational Perspective experimental example Rating the doctors, Economic Persective conected by realist group conflict theory Prejudice, Discrimination definition Unfair treatment of members of a particular group based on their membership in that group., The Robbers Cave Experiment conected by realist group conflict theory Discrimination, Cognitive Perspective can be connected by self-fulfilling prophecy Discrimination, The Robbers Cave Experiment conected by realist group conflict theory Steriotypes, The Robbers Cave Experiment conected by realist group conflict theory Prejudice, Economic Persective conected by realist group conflict theory Steriotypes, Cognitive Perspective experimental example of Shooting game, Motivational Perspective can be conected by social identity theory Steriotypes, Cognitive Perspective can be connected by self-fulfilling prophecy Steriotypes, Motivational Perspective can be conected by social identity theory Prejudice, Prejudice example are Using racial slears Vandalizing someones of a different race's house., Motivational Perspective can be conected by social identity theory Discrimination, Economic Persective conected by realist group conflict theory Discrimination, Prejudice defined as a negative attitudes or affective response toward a certain groups and its individual members, Steriotypes defined as Beliefs about attributes that are thought to be characteristics of members of particular groups, 1.White people can't dance 2. All black people are good atheletes 3. Asain people are really smart examples of Steriotypes