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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Tem, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, explains that the dopamine system, Schizophrenia two types if simptoms Simptoms, Eight Genes Genes Name DISC1, loss of ability to to experience feelings, the dopamine system is a group of cells, Negative ???? ????, are experienceing Delusion, Simptoms + simptoms Holding, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Holding False Believes, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Too much Dopamin Professor Trevor Robbins explains, loss of ability to generate speach, Eight Genes Genes Name ????, Why the Schizophrenia Exists May be Too much Dopamin