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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Final, a good response to an explicit request may be known as complying favorably, Social Influence Ch. 6 What is Social Influence? defined as beliefs, attitudes, feelings as well as behaviors are changed because of others, correspondance bias defined as a drawn inference about a person that has corresponding behavior, this impulse is defined as Just World Hypothesis People get what they deserve or deserve what they get, A Connection Between Social Influence and Self-Serving Bias a compliance example a good response to an explicit request, Self Serving Bias an important problem we face how much credit to give to successful people an d how much blame to direct to unsuccessful individuals, Automatic Mimicry sometimes mindlessly imitated yawning, fundamental attribution error behavior can be attributed to other's dispositions because inferences can be comforting, ways in which people impact each other Types of Conformity Automatic Mimicry, Obediance defined as a less powerful person submits to a demand of a more powerful person, complying favorably related to ????, changing beliefs and behaviors changes due to pressure from others, A Connection Between Social Influence and Self-Serving Bias an obediance example a less powerful spouse being abused by a more powerful one, A Connection Between Social Influence and Self-Serving Bias characteristics of other people were used more often than when providing another explanation, a less powerful spouse being abused by a more powerful one also known as Just World Hypothesis, ways in which people impact each other Types of Conformity unconscious imitation of others, Self Serving Bias two names given to locate causes of behaviors fundamental attribution error, inferences can be comforting or the inferences can be thought of as motivated by the person to do so, Social Influence Ch. 6 What is Social Influence? defined as ways in which people impact each other, Social Influence Ch. 6 What is Social Influence? 3 Types of Social Influence Conformity