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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Attraction poor 1, Attraction Social Loafing Giving less effort when working in groups when contributions can't be monitored, 1.mere presense of others makes a person more aroused 2. Arousel causes a person to be more rigid 3. increase in dominant response tendencies to the facilitation of simple tasks and the inhibition of complex tasks, Gustov LEbon ???? Supe4r Bowl XVI, Others presence creates a conflict between attending to that person or the task at hand/ attentional conflict which produces social facilitation effects Evaluation aprrehension effect Concern about how othersw look in the presense of others, Gustov LEbon ???? San Fransico 49ers SuperBowl Championship win causes riot due to group think., Attraction ???? Theorist, Individuation ???? emphasizing individual identity by focusing attention on the self, Individuation spotlight effect peoples belief that other people are attending or wathing them, their appearance and behavior, The mere presence of mask causes fear within the opponent Halloween Mayhem Celebrates Gothism, Attraction Zajonc's Theory Gustov LEbon, Attraction Zajonc's Theory 1.mere presense of others makes a person more aroused, Presense of others causes possitive or negative performance Deindividuation When in groups individuals identity gets lost to the group collective, Attraction distraction Conflict Theory Others presence creates a conflict between attending to that person or the task at hand/ attentional conflict which produces social facilitation effects, Others presence creates a conflict between attending to that person or the task at hand/ attentional conflict which produces social facilitation effects ???? Distraction Conflict Theory, Theorist Makus experient Cartwright and Zander, urging a person who is on the verge of commiting suicide to take his life Warfare and Deindividuation The mere presence of mask causes fear within the opponent, for protection and survival ex.1, Cockroaches and light maze Social Comparison Theory Theory that maintains that when there is not an objective standard of evaluation or comprehension, people evaluate their opinions and abilities by comparing themselves to others, Celebrates Gothism risky shift The tendency for groups to make riskier decisions than individuals, urging a person who is on the verge of commiting suicide to take his life usual common in large groups or crowds egging the situation by wanting them to commit suicide.