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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: concept map, Concept Maps can be used in many ways A student studies a pre-made concept map, ???? should be informed by best practices such as Concept maps should be built around a focus question, foster dual coding as evidenced by Recent Studies, Computer Software such as Inspiration, discourage rote learning as evidenced by Recent Studies, Collaboration can be Synchronous, Computer Software such as Smart Ideas, Concept Maps can improve student learning because they build upon prior knowledge, many features such as recording the creation of a concept map for playback, On a public server which enables Peer Review, Concept Maps can be used in many ways to assess misconceptions or knowledge gaps, Computer Software such as Cmap software, Concept Maps are characterized by Specific Examples, On a public server which enables Collaboration, many features such as saving work Locally, many features such as saving work On a public server, many features such as nesting of concept maps, Concept Maps can be used in many ways a student is given a concept map structure with "empty" nodes and completes it, On a public server which enables Knowledge Soups, Collaboration can be Asynchronous