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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: dna, transferRNA is a type of RNA, transferRNA according to its codon, binds to A-site, pyrimidines is a type of bases, Guanine is a type of purines, messengerRNA is complementary to one gene, DNA (Deoxiribo Nucleic Acid) is a type of Nuclear Acids, DNA (Deoxiribo Nucleic Acid) for protein creation, going through Transcription process, nucleotide composed of 1 sugar, messengerRNA is a type of RNA, RNA is a type of Nuclear Acids, ribosomalRNA is a type of RNA, anti-codon is a part of transferRNA, ribosome is built from ribosomalRNA, peptide chain synthesize into protein, ribosome is built from protein, deoxybibose in DNA, is a type of sugar, Adenine is a type of purines, Cytosine is a type of pyrimidines, Thymine in DNA, is a type of pyrimidines, Nuclear Acids is a chain of nucleotide