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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: quiz_carbohydrates2-page2, (3) name includes (13) name, starch such as amylopectin, (6) name is a ketose, (4) name is aldose, single unit such as (6) name, (9) name (10) show the formation is a type of (2) name, cellulose has (17) name the linkage, amylose which is (14) draw structure, (3) name includes starch, amylopectin which is (15) draw structure, Carbohydrates has 3 classes (1) name, (1) name has only single unit, starch such as amylose, (7) name (8) show the formation is a type of (2) name, α-glucose produces (9) name (10) show the formation, starch food storage in plants, (6) name and α-glucose, (13) name food storage in animal, (14) draw structure compare differences (16) structure (17) function (15) draw structure, (5) name and α-glucose