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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: chapter6_overview, ATP which is chemical energy, light energy to chemical energy, 6.1 Overview outlines photosynthetic process, photosynthetic process leads to production of glucose, C4 leaf and CAM leaf, photoactivation of chlorophyll requires explanation of 6.3 Light dependent reaction, photoactivation of chlorophyll which involves of ????, 6.6 Factors limiting rate of photosynthesis includes factors such as wavelength, C3 leaf and C4 leaf, 6.2 Photosynthetic pigments includes listing, 6.0 PHOTOSYNTHESIS includes 6.4 Light independent reaction, photoactivation of chlorophyll includes description of non-cyclic photophosphorylation, 6.0 PHOTOSYNTHESIS includes 6.5 Alternative mechanism of carbon fixation (C4 and CAM plants), physiology of C3 leaf, physiology of CAM leaf, reduced NADP+ and ATP, anatomy of C3 leaf, photoactivation of chlorophyll includes description of cyclic photophosphorylation, 6.5 Alternative mechanism of carbon fixation (C4 and CAM plants) includes Hatch Slack (C4 pathway), CO2 fixation by 5C compound (RuBP)