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Wolframs New Kind of Science breakdown and computational complexity, curious agents are interested in learnable but yet unknown regularities, and get bored by both predictable and inherently unpredictable things. ???? science and art = results of "curious" desire to create/ discover more/new, compressable data, only way to predict behaviors of irredu- cible systems is to run through the sys- tem, recreating it thus spending as much computational effort as the system itself, ability of natural systems to create their own randomness ???? treats computational systems as holistic entities, Wolfram's New Kind of Science First argument Simple programs capable of complex behavior, "Simple Computing" references Computational Compexity, Universal computers by Jurgen Schmidhuber, Simple programs capable of complex behavior supported by Universal computers, most systems in natural world can perform computations up to a max/universal level of complexity implies computation = translation of inputs and outputs, human brain = com- putational machine; free will = irreducible system ???? deterministic system, but no way to model/ predict except to let system run/let being exercise it, ability of natural systems to create their own randomness ? random, or principle of computational irreducibility