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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Buchanan_2002_social moral epistemology, "the goal of applied ethics is right action" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "we cannot ignore the relation- ship between the virtues and social practices and institutions", "if the goal of applied ethics is to promote right action and reduce the incidence of wrong action," and if social practices and institutions can "promote (or impede) the formation, preservation, and transmission of true beliefs beliefs" which facilitate right action or reduce the incidence of wrong action," then applied ethics should incorporate a "social moral epistemology" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) applied ethics should incorporate a "social moral epistemology", universal statement defined as supposed to be universally true, or univ. true under the conditions determined in the statement, "the intuitions upon which it relies are parochial," that is they can be systematically distorted by "practices or institutions that foster episte- mic vices or in other ways pro- duce or sustain false beliefs that disable the moral virtues" (144) therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "this method is unreliable" when it comes to justifying norms and principles, "Why did otherwise highly educated and intelligend individuals who routinely engaged in sophisticated chains of reasoning regarding scientific matters offer such transparantly defective argu- ments to justify their paternalistic behavior?" (132) "In other words" "what accounts for the selective cognitive disabilities of paternalistic physicians?", "the goal of applied ethics" should be "to promote right action and reduce the incidence of wrong action" (152) therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) applied ethics should incorporate a "social moral epistemology", "what accounts for the selective cognitive disabilities of paternalistic physicians?" defined as "a stable defect of reasoning, a disposition to make serious cognitive errors across a wide range of cases" (132), reason therefore (ArgScheme: X AU: Y) claim, "the distinctive expertise of physicians is medical expertise, not expertise regarding the patient's overall good" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "a social practice according to which merely engaging a physician constitutes a blank authorization for the physician to withhold information or preempt patience choice ... would be an unreasonable practice" (129), "medical-paternalist action and the rationalization for it" is located within an institutional context in which a certain occupational group has attained elite status, thereby receiving special privileges that insulate the group's members from criticism and that system- atically impede the funtio- ning of virtues." (133) therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) paternalistic physicians show selective cognitive disabilities, if "the critique of medical-paternalist arguments apparantly did not have much direct effect on the behavior of physicians," and if "the goal of applied ethics" should be "to promote right action and reduce the incidence of wrong action," then simply demolishing "transparantly unsound arguments" is not sufficient for applied ethics therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) simply demolishing "transparantly unsound arguments" is not sufficient for applied ethics (131), the fact that "medical-paternalist action and the rationalization for it" is located within an institutional context in which a certain occupational group has attained elite status," is a sufficient condition for the fact that paternalistic physicians show selec- tive cognitive disabilities therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) paternalistic physicians show selective cognitive disabilities, social practices and institutions play a central role "in generating and sustaining beliefs that either enable or disable the virtues" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "we cannot ignore the relation- ship between the virtues and social practices and institutions", "Whenever one enters into the physician-patient relation- ship as a patient, one is engaging the physician as an agent to serve one's interest. therefore (ArgScheme: AAA-1) "whenever one enters into the physician-patient relation- ship as a patient, one thereby authorizes the agent to do whatever he thinks best serves one's interest." (129), if virtue ethics has shown "the central role of stable character traits in the moral life," and if social practices and institutions play a central role "in generating and sustaining beliefs that either enable or disable the virtues," and if "the goal of applied ethics is right action," then "we cannot ignore the relation- ship between the virtues and social practices and institutions" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "we cannot ignore the relation- ship between the virtues and social practices and institutions", "the study of the social practices and institutions that promote (or impede) the formation, preservation, and transmission of true beliefs so far as true beliefs facilitate right action or reduce the incidence of wrong action." (126) a special department of social moral epistemology "the study of the social practices and institutions that promote (or impede) the functioning of moral virtues so far as their functioning depends upon true beliefs.", social practices and institutions can "promote (or impede) the formation, preservation, and transmission of true beliefs" which facilitate right action or reduce the incidence of wrong action."(126) therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) applied ethics should incorporate a "social moral epistemology", if "the false beliefs that disable virtues are typically elements of a web of mutually supporting false beliefs," and if those webs of beliefs are resistant to change because they can easily be defended against any sort of evidence to the contrary by ad hoc hypotheses, then "rehabilitating truncated virtues" or strategies against selective cognitive disabilities "will require attacking a large set of mutually supporting beliefs, and this in turn may require discrediting the putative authorities ... that are invoked to justify those beliefs" therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "rehabilitating truncated virtues" or strategies against selective cognitive disabilities "will require attacking a large set of mutually supporting beliefs, and this in turn may require discrediting the putative authorities ... that are invoked to justify those beliefs", there is "a tendency to exaggerate the domain of physicians' expertise, resulting in a conflation of the patient's medical interests and his interests overall." (133) supports the fact that "medical-paternalist action and the rationalization for it" is located within an institutional context in which a certain occupational group has attained elite status," is a sufficient condition for the fact that paternalistic physicians show selec- tive cognitive disabilities, "The false beliefs that disable virtues are typically elements of a web of mutually supporting false beliefs." therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) "rehabilitating truncated virtues" or strategies against selective cognitive disabilities "will require attacking a large set of mutually supporting beliefs, and this in turn may require discrediting the putative authorities ... that are invoked to justify those beliefs"