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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: SARC_HIV_AIDS VC June 17 09 Notes, South Asia Regional Collaboration on The SARC “Expanding the Role of the Private Sector combating HIV/AIDS in South Asia” GICT-SASFP-GDLN 17 June 2009 Development and Management of a Repository, South Asia Regional Collaboration on The SARC “Expanding the Role of the Private Sector combating HIV/AIDS in South Asia” GICT-SASFP-GDLN 17 June 2009 Community Outreach, Facilitating Institution Work on a process through an existing networking platform, collaboration and moving forward by handing this issue to an institutional hub; where participants from the health and ICT sectors can be key players along with chambers of commerce and NGOs., Development and Management of a Repository Further investgation and case study analysis to build a resource database on SME activities on combating AIDS in the region, and how to enable policy and legislation, Development and Management of a Repository Collaboration of information on open source platforms, such as the wiki. Enhance information on efforts made by existing groups to increase knowledge-share., South Asia Regional Collaboration on The SARC “Expanding the Role of the Private Sector combating HIV/AIDS in South Asia” GICT-SASFP-GDLN 17 June 2009 Facilitating Institution, Community Outreach Publicity and Awareness efforts: mediate SMS or email viral and effectively position to targeted demographic groups. Use of Digi/e-Radio community., Facilitating Institution Follow-up by WB through emails or a wiki-based collaborative tool with the South Asia regional initiative and the ICT sector, where GDLN will play a role.