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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ADA, Americans With Disabilities Act Structure Title 5: Miscellaneous- ADA does not apply any lesser of a standard than Section 504., Americans With Disabilities Act School District Responsibilities Make new construction accessible and usable by persons with disabilities., Americans With Disabilities Act Who is Protected? Persons with HIV and Tuberculosis, Americans With Disabilities Act Who is Protected? Any person with a disability and is defined as having a physical or mental impairment that limits one or more life activities of an individual; A record of such impairment or regardes as having an impairment., Americans With Disabilities Act School District Responsibilities Maintain a file of available for public inspection, self-evaluation and for 3 years following completion of the evaluation., Americans With Disabilities Act Purpose of Law Enforcing and assuring the federal government plays a central role in establishing standards in the Act., Americans With Disabilities Act Purpose of Law Provide a comprehensive an clear national mandate eliminating discrimination against individuals with disabilities., Americans With Disabilities Act Purpose of Law Provide strong, clear , consistent, and enforceable standards addressing discrimination of individuals with disabilities., Americans With Disabilities Act Structure Title 2: Public Service A. Gerneral Prohibitions B. Public Transportation- Protects persons with disabilities from discrimination by Public entities., Americans With Disabilities Act School District Responsibilities Appoint ADA compliance coordinator, Americans With Disabilities Act Structure Title 4: Telecommunications-involves pervisions of telecommunication services for those persons with hearing and speech impairments., Americans With Disabilities Act School District Responsibilities Provide notice regarding programs, services and activities of the school., Americans With Disabilities Act Purpose of Law In order to invoke Congressional authority and power to enforce the 14th Amendment and reulate commerce., Americans With Disabilities Act School District Responsibilities Know students protected under ADA and Section 504., Americans With Disabilities Act Structure Title 1: Employment- protects persons with disabilities against discrimination in job application procedures, advancement, hireing and dischargeof employees., Americans With Disabilities Act School District Responsibilities Develop transition plans in order to bring the school in compliance with ADA., Americans With Disabilities Act Structure Title 3: Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities- Allows persons with disabilities equal opportunity to receive goods and servieces in most integrated settings.