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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ADA vs 504, Section 504 elgibility for both includes 1. based on the definition of disability 2. not age restricted but covers individuals from birth to death 3. not related to a specific categories of disabilities 4. based on the functional impact of a physical or mental impairment, Section 504 will protect people from discrimination because of their disabilities, Section 504 are ADA Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA Americans with Disabilities Act does not ensure a child to have an IEP., 1. has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one ore more of such person's major life activities 2. has a record of such an impairment 3. is regarded as having such an impairment definition of disability 1. based on the definition of disability 2. not age restricted but covers individuals from birth to death 3. not related to a specific categories of disabilities 4. based on the functional impact of a physical or mental impairment, ADA Americans with Disabilities Act applies to almost every entity in the US regardless of whether it recieves federal funds except churches and private clubs, Section 504 prohibits discrimination against individuals who meet the definition of disability in the act, and it is applied to entities that recieve federal funding, ADA Americans with Disabilities Act also helps with telecommunications, transportation, employment, and public accomodations, Section 504 does not ensure a child to have an IEP., Section 504 are federal legislative acts that are designed to protect the civil rights of individuals with disabilities., ADA Americans with Disabilities Act elgibility for both includes 1. based on the definition of disability 2. not age restricted but covers individuals from birth to death 3. not related to a specific categories of disabilities 4. based on the functional impact of a physical or mental impairment, ADA Americans with Disabilities Act will protect people from discrimination because of their disabilities