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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Section 504, Section 504 eligibility the existence of an identified physical or mental condition must limit a major life activity, Section 504 appropriate education does not require an IEP, but requires a plan, Section 504 evaluation must be identified through evaluation procedures that gather information from a variety of sources, Section 504 appropriate education means an education comparable to that provided to students without disabilities, Section 504 evaluation reevaluation required before a significant change in placement, Section 504 evaluation drawn on information from a variety of sources and is documented, Section 504 evaluation does not require written concent, Section 504 Due Process enforced by US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, Section 504 type of law civil rights statute, Section 504 Due Process no "stay-put" provisions, Section 504 appropriate education placement usually in general education classroom, Section 504 Due Process requires that parents have opporunity to participate and be represented by councsel, Section 504 Due Process no consent requirement, Section 504 identification does not require that the student needs special education to qualify, Section 504 evaluation requires periodic reevaluations, Section 504 type of law requires schools who recieve federal financial assistance for educational purposes to not descriminate against children with disabilities, Section 504 appropriate education related services, if needed, Section 504 identification requires school district personel to identify and locate suspected students, Section 504 eligibility major life activites include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working, Section 504 Due Process no requirement of days notice prior to change of placement