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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: JennWesleySec504, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Who is Protected Person w/ Record of such impairment, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb D Preschool - seondary, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations esablish greivance procedure, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb A General prov and definitions, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Who is Protected Person reguarded as having imparment, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations Sec 504 Coordiantor, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations Child find, Person w/ physical or mental diability Mental Mental Illness Retardation LDs Organic brain s, Person w/ physical or mental diability Physical Condition which affects body systems: neurological musculoskeletal special sense organs respriatory speech organs cardiovas reproductive digestive geito-urinary hemic and lymphatic skin and endocrine, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations Testing accomod. Teaching and Course Modifications, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb B Employment practices, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Who is Protected Person w/ physical or mental diability, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Purpose Prohibit discrim. against people w dis. from programs and act. which recieve fed $, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb G Procedures, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb C Program Accessibility, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb F Health, Welfare and Social serv, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations Postsecondary Admission, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations self eval and public notif of.., Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon Structure Sb E Post secondary ed, Section 504 of the Rehab. Act of 1973- Nixon School District Accomodations Comparable facilities