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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: RTI, use of RTI data to inform instruction Core Concepts Response to Intervention (RTI), 1. High Quality instruction and behavioral supports are provided for all general education students. Multitiered Model/ Instruction Response to Intervention (RTI), 7. Data should drive decision making. core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI), 6. Progress monitoring must be implemented to inform instruction. core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI), 4. A problem solving model should be used to make decisions between tiers. core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI), 3. The implementation of a multi-tiered service delivery model is necessary core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI), 3. Comprehensive evaluation is conducted by a multidisciplinary team to determine eligibility for special education and related services. Multitiered Model/ Instruction Response to Intervention (RTI), application of scientific, research based interventions in general education Core Concepts Response to Intervention (RTI), This can be used at the group and individual level. Definition Response to Intervention (RTI), 1. The educational system can effectively teach all children core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI), Should be viewed as a systematic process for providing preventive, supplementary instructional services to students who are having difficulty with meeting benchmark levels. Definition Response to Intervention (RTI), A method of academic intervention used in the U.S. that provides early effective assistance to children who are having difficulty learning. Definition Response to Intervention (RTI), 2. Students whose performance and rate of progress is behind those of peers in their classrooms, school, or district recieve more specialized prevention or remediation in general education. Multitiered Model/ Instruction Response to Intervention (RTI), Mesurement of a students response to these interventions Core Concepts Response to Intervention (RTI), 2. Early intervention is critical to preventing problems from getting out of control. core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI), 5. Research based interventions should be implemented to the extent possible. core assumptions Response to Intervention (RTI)