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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Response to Interv, Response to Intervention Who is Covered? Students who may not otherwise be covered in IDEA due to not being labeled SLD, Response to Intervention School District Responsibility Identify students who are "at risk": Monitor progress Adjust internentions, Response to Intervention Structure: 3-5 Tiers depending on school district Tier II: Mild intervention/ progress monitoring Small groups Title I and reading recovery, Response to Intervention Who is Covered? Chronic problems with attendance or socio-emo behaviors, Response to Intervention Structure: 3-5 Tiers depending on school district Tier I: Primary level - School wide/ Classroom managment RBC, Response to Intervention Who is Covered? Students falling below 20% of peers, Response to Intervention Structure: 3-5 Tiers depending on school district Tier III: Intense interviention School psy testing LRE, Response to Intervention School District Responsibility EBIS team support, Response to Intervention Purpose Multi-level prevention system to address academic and behavioral, Response to Intervention Purpose Catch them before they fall... Not specifically in IDEA 2004 but funding to provide intervening services for ALL students is