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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Leah Huyck - LRE, all based on best interest of student ---- not conveniencee, LRE ---- might mean, In every IEP ---- individualized for every student, LRE ---- In every IEP, LRE includes nonacademic settings, full continuum of services ---- all based on best interest of student, LRE main principle as much as it is appropriate, students with disabilities should be educated with their nondisable peers, might mean ---- education in a private day treatment facility, LRE includes academic settings, might mean ---- placement in regular education with accomodations, LRE principles document considerations, why some were chosen and others were not, LRE principles consider regular education with the help of aids or supplemental services, LRE includes extracurricular activities, LRE principles decisions made in child's best interest and individualized, LRE principles full continuum of services