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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Leah Huyck - IDEA 504 Cmap, Section 504 .... Identification, Section 504 .... FAPE, Evaluation .... Provides an independent evaluation at the districts expense, Evaluation .... Does not provide an independent evaluation at the school's expense, Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability .... by programs and activities receiving or benefiting from federal financial assistance, Identification .... Requires that child's disability adversely affect eduational performance, Evaluation .... Requires evaluation once every 3 years, FAPE .... No IEP, Due Process .... Enforced by the U.S. Dept. of Educaiton, Evaluation .... Evaluaation is drawn on information from a variety of sorces and is documented, IDEA .... Identification, IDEA .... Evaluation, FAPE .... General Ed, Evaluation .... Reevaluation is required before a significant change in placement, Section 504 .... Prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, Evaluation .... A full comprehensive evaluation required by multidisciplinary team, Section 504 .... Evaluation, Evaluation .... Requires informed and written consent, FAPE .... requires IEP, Identification .... Covers all school-aged children who fall within one or more specific categories of qualifying conditions