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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: FAPE, FAPE Components Appropriate Education, FAPE special education and related services that. . . include an appropriate preschool, elementary, and secondary school education the state involved, FAPE special education and related services that. . . are provided in conformity with the individualized education program, FAPE Placement equipment, FAPE Placement personnel required to deliver special education and related services specified in an IEP, FAPE Components Free education, FAPE Determining placement aptitude and achievement tests, FAPE Components State Standards, FAPE Placement facilities, FAPE Determining placement social and cultural background, FAPE Placement location, FAPE Determining placement adaptive behavior, FAPE special education and related services that. . . meet standards of the State educational agency, FAPE special education and related services that. . . are provided at public expense, under public supervisor and direction, and without charge, FAPE Placement Factors must conform with least restrictive environment (LRE), FAPE stands for. . . Free and appropriate public education, FAPE Placement Factors student's IEP, FAPE Determining placement physical condition, FAPE Ineligibility factors he/she graduates from high school wiith regular diploma, FAPE Ineligibility factors he/she reaches maximum age to receive services under IDEA