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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: FAPE, FAPE special education and related services that Are provided in conformity with the individualized education program, FAPE if parents and school cannot agree parents can request mediation, FAPE IEP components Statement of needed transition services, appropriate education specifics all services recieved must be in IEP, FAPE if parents and school cannot agree file a suite in federal or state law, FAPE special education and related services that Meet standards of the State education agency, appropriate education specifics each student must have an IEP, FAPE related servies (but not limited to) speech language and audiology services, free education specifics at no charge to parents, FAPE IEP components Measurable annual goals. (IEP must be evaluated yearly), FAPE IEP components Statement of specific special education and related services required, FAPE IEP components Appropriate objective/ evaluation procedures, FAPE special education and related services that Are provided at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge, FAPE components free education, FAPE related servies (but not limited to) recreation, state standards specifics states can impose more demanding standards than the federal law, FAPE related servies (but not limited to) social work services, FAPE if parents and school cannot agree parents can request impartial due process hearing, FAPE related servies (but not limited to) phycial and occupational therapy, FAPE components appropriate education