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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Procedural Safeguards and Disapline, *When the education for all handicapped children act was passed in 1975, Congress wanted to ensure that students with disabilities would be treated fairly and provided with an appropriate education. One way they did this was by providing students and their parents, with procedural protections to ensure that they would be meaningfully involve with school districts when educational programs were being planned and implemented. *According to the due process clause of the 5th and 14th amendments, no state may deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. ???? Procedural Safeguards and Disciplining Students with Disabilities, Student is only protected if the school had knowledge of the disability “Knowledge” comes in written form from the parent or the teacher ???? Procedural Safeguards and Disciplining Students with Disabilities, Procedural Safeguards and Disciplining Students with Disabilities Disiplining students with disabilities School districts must have set rules to regulate student conduct and in order to meet requirements they should take actions such as:Developing reasonable and appropriate schoolwide discipline policies and procedures Extending due process protections to students when using certain disciplinary proceduresEnsuring that discipline sanctions are applied in a nondiscriminatory manner., Mediation is used to help the school personnel and parents reach a healthy conclusion for the student’s well-being. Advantages of Mediation: Takes less time Costs less Allows for greater discussion of the issues Helps to maintain a workable relationship between schools and parents Mediation ????, Procedural safeguards are rules of law that govern the means by which individuals can maintain their substantive rights. Procedural: Safeguards that guide the method by which school officials make decisions regarding the educating of students Substantive: Due process rights that are personal rights that school officials may not a bridge ???? Procedural Safeguards and Disciplining Students with Disabilities, Procedural Safeguards and Disciplining Students with Disabilities 7 components of procedural safeguards Notice requirements Consent requirements The opportunity to examine records Procedures to protect the rights of the child when the parents are unavailable The independent educational evaluation Voluntary mediation The due process hearing