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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Disc-Proc, general safeguards consists of. . . consent requirements, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards due process hearing a forum in which both sides present their argument to an impartial third party, the due process hearing officer, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards 4 components the appointment of surrogate parents, the independent educational evaluation definition evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of the child., Discipline/Procedural Safeguards discipline Manifestation determination is an important thing to conduct when disciplining a student with a disability., general safeguards consists of. . . notice requirements, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards alternative to due process hearings mediation systems have been created to alleviate the overly adversial nature of the dispute resolution process, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards due process hearing student must remain in the program or placement in effect when the hearing was requested, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards discipline Behavior problems should be addressed within an IEP and the IEP should consider strategies to fix the student's behavior., Discipline/Procedural Safeguards Procedural safeguards are. . . designed to protect the interests of students with disabilities, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards 4 components dispute resolution, dispute resolution purpose when parents and the school disagree about certain matters either party can request a due process hearing, the appointment of surrogate parents purpose protects the child's rights if parents cannot be located, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards due process hearing must be conducted by the SEA or the LEA that is responsible for the education of the student, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards 4 components general safeguards, Discipline/Procedural Safeguards 4 components the independent educational evaluation